Bullets from friends.

“Friendly fire” can be as deadly as an enemy bullet. Always be mindful that attacks can come from the closest of friends and family. They are the ones who can hurt if you let your guard down and forget that you are not wrestling against flesh and blood (see Eph. 6:12–20). It was Peter who attempted to discourage Jesus from going to the cross. But Jesus knew the source of the attack and said, “Get behind me, Satan” (Matt. 16:23). Do the same in your heart when attacked in such a way. Keep your shield of faith held high.

Job 2:9 Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!”

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1 Response to Bullets from friends.

  1. deb lyon says:

    I have a friend that sent this to me: “Halloween USED to be pagan. Is NOT now pagan.” I need to be careful in how I respond as I gave her a gospel tract about the history of Halloween (one someone gave me, not one of yours) and she is hopping mad. I also let her borrow a book I got for my son “Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers” Gospel and she thinks it is atrocious that anyone would tell a kid that coloring on a wall is a sin that will send them to hell. She also said that using fear tactics and coercion is not the way to share the Gospel. I went to an event with her recently and I shared the curved card illusion and what the card said on the back and she thought that was atrocious, too. Still, I shared quite a few of them with kids and adults. Most everyone was thankful and took the cards and read them. Those that thought the idea was really neat, I gave them extra cards to share with people they knew.
    Please help me to be kind with my words without compromising my message to my Sunday-morning-Christian friend.
    Thank you for your help!

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