Weak-minded Christians

I have lost count of how many times I have heard that Christianity is a crutch for weak-minded people who cannot make it in life without faith. That may be, but we are not the only ones who need to lean on something. Do you know how many people use alcohol and drugs as a “crutch” to get them through life, or how many cannot walk into a room without clutching onto a cigarette? According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, over 22 million Americans are addicted to drug abuse and alcohol. Those sorts of crutches tend to snap and leave the patient in a worse state.

Faith in God is not like that. He will never let you down, in this short life or in the life to come. You can lean on Him. I don’t have to be concerned with the troubles of the future, because the future is in His hands. He is already there, so nothing takes Him by surprise. A “crutch” is a poor metaphor for the Savior. It is more accurate to say that faith in Jesus is a like a “parachute,” and that death is a fearful jump into eternity. The Bible tells us to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ.” You may believe that a parachute is a crutch, used by weak-minded people who cannot handle the jump by themselves. If that is the case, then I am weak-minded. I need a Savior.

Judges 16:7 And Samson said to her, If they bind me with seven fresh bowstrings, not yet dried, then I shall become weak, and be like any other man.

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4 Responses to Weak-minded Christians

  1. it is more than a crutch for me.
    It is my life line, my all in all.

  2. Pingback: Weak-minded Christians | Ray Comforts Daily Evidence | Christians Following Jesus

  3. Dave Hunter says:

    By weak-minded what do they mean? Some of the greatest minds on the planet were professing Christians. Those who say Christians are weak minded only say so to cling to fancy allusions that their actions–morally speaking should be not be spoken about. They want the freedom to do as they please but…

    But then to do as one pleases is one of the fundamental principles of satan worship. So in reality everyone who claims Christianity is for the weak minded by their actions honor satan. And what was the original sin that got that old serpent thrust forth from heaven? Just that…the desire to do what one pleases. It can’t be possible for everyone to be permitted to do what they please. Think of the chaos it would create in our world as small as it is. What would happen if every creature in the universe would be at liberty to do anything they wanted to?

    The strong would destroy the weak and then fight amongst themselves. They could be just one result. That’s why God had to lay down rules and set a penalty for disobedience. If anyone thinks one has to be weak minded to believe in a God who created heaven and earth then the assurance is that at their moment of death, they’ll know how wrong they were.

  4. I see young earth creationism as lack of an education of science and philosophy. Is Christianity a crutch? You’re not going to get an exact sunday school answer to that question looking into philosophy and science came when I started writing science fiction as I was introduced to shark evolution as a kid. I quietly kept an old earth acknowledgment as the churches I attended all were young earth creationists as the Chick Tracts Big Daddy? and Angels insulted my intelligence as I went to a secular community college for journalism, fringe literature and philosophy. I put Proverbs 18:15 to mind when it comes to higher learning as I am an education and freedom of speech activist.

    The earth is 4.5 billion years old as man appeared 200,000 years ago as the Genesis Creation Narrative and Flood Deluge are seen as allegorical. If you really look into science and not see evolution as a religion but a science you will see where God and science were never in conflict. In Illinois to refute young earth creationism just do a google search. Evolution emerged from ancient Greek natural philosophy in B.C.E. I can apply Col 2:8 to those who preach the dinosaur-human coexistence theology as I call that Flintstones Christianity. I don’t play the pascal’s wager ploy as I ask the question, “would you evangelize at gunpoint?”

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