How Jewish people view Christianity.

Many Jews understandably equate Christianity with Roman Catholicism. When they watch the news at Christmas or Easter, they see people kneeling and kissing the hand of a man in a white robe with a big white hat and a golden scepter—the pope. Then they see people bowing down to graven images of saints and praying to and worshiping Mary. To the Jews, Christianity is therefore a false religion because it directly violates the First and Second Commandments.

No wonder they are reluctant to talk with us. That is why it is important to learn to go through Moses to get to Jesus. Take Jewish people (as you should anyone who is self-righteous) through the Law before you tell them about grace. 

Many Jews even equate Christianity with Adolf Hitler—despite the fact that biblical Christianity is soaked in love of humanity, while Hitler’s philosophy was saturated in the blood of pure hatred. Hitler infiltrated the church by installing his own leaders and Nazi “pastors,” then used the church structure to mock the Bible and teach that Jews were “children of the devil.” The Nazi army even had belt buckles engraved with “Gott mit uns” (“God with us”). So in the eyes of many Jews, the evil of Nazism came directly through the Christian church. That is why, when we approach a Jewish person with a New Testament in our hand or a cross around our neck, and sweetly say, “I would like to talk with you about Jesus,” to them we might as well be saying, “Hi, I represent an institution that is filled with pedophiles, bows down to idols, worships false gods, and was responsible for the murder of six million of your Jewish brothers and sisters.”

No wonder they are reluctant to talk with us. That is why it is important to learn to go through Moses to get to Jesus. Take Jewish people (as you should anyone who is self-righteous) through the Law before you tell them about grace.

Leviticus 19:4 Do not turn to idols, nor make for yourselves molded gods: I am the Lord your God.

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4 Responses to How Jewish people view Christianity.

  1. Pingback: How Jewish people view Christianity. | Ray Comfort’s Daily Evidence | Christians Following Jesus

  2. Nice try Ray, but I’m a messianic Jew and my experience tells me otherwise. It’s not only what Christians and gentiles have done that is the cause of Jewish aversion to considering Christ. It’s also that Jews imbibe the poison of hostility to Christ and all things Christian from the time they’re babies. My Jewish family celebrated Christmas as well as Hanukah until their rabbi and other rabbis in the community demanded only Jewish holidays be celebrated. The rabbinate of all Jewish trends except the messianic are hostile and fearful of recognizing much less teaching about Jesus our messiah. That would be very easy considering the dozens of prophecies Jesus has already fulfilled from the OT. The reason for their hostility to Christ is very simple. It’s the same reason the Jewish leaders of Christ’s time rejected him, because THEY DIDN’T WANT TO LOSE THEIR POSITION AND POWER IN THE COMMUNITY. They recognized the messiah would make sweeping changes in Judaism and that the people would look to the messiah as their authority and NOT to them anymore. The ruling by the Israeli supreme court that any Jew who believes in Jesus the messiah is no longer a jew- is a lie because someone is a Jew because his mother was Jewish by tradition. Romans 11.25 says that one day the Jews will accept Christ as their savior en mass, but when? The Jewish community is in large measure responsible for their apostasy, and it is apostasy to deny Christ,since both the OT and the NT speak of his coming and of him being sent by God and that they the Jews( and gentiles also) are commanded by God to receive him(see Acts 17.24-31).

  3. lehman scott says:

    “despite the fact that biblical Christianity is soaked in love of humanity”

    Yeah, Ray, tell that to all of humanity that your God killed in His Flood.

    • If all of humanity had been killed, Lehman, than you wouldn’t be here to mock.
      God loves you enough to create you and to allow you to contimue to this point with the same offer that is available to all.

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