Long life spans.

“Noah was the last recorded person in the Bible to live over 900 years. Genetic bottlenecks at the Flood and subsequently at the Tower of Babel were likely the main reasons for the decline in ages. But consider that Noah lived another 350 years after the Flood and outlived his great, great, great, grandson Peleg, who was the first recorded death (of a person) after the Flood. So it makes sense that many cultures began revering and worshiping their ancestors (e.g., the Shinto religion, Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology, Norse/Germanic mythology, and others) since they simply outlived their descendants!” Ken Ham 

Genesis 9:28 And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.29 So all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years; and he died.

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1 Response to Long life spans.

  1. Chris says:

    Poor Mr. Ham. Virtually every piece of evidence which exists proves him wrong but he keeps plugging away. For example we did NOT descend from the people in Noah’s ark – that’s been disproved by genetics. An obvious example – Cheetahs reached a bottleneck of a few hundred many thousands of years ago. What was the result of this bottleneck? The genes of the entire cheetah population are so similar that you can take skin or organs from any cheetah and put them in another with zero rejection rate. That’s not true of human beings! Why? Because we didn’t go through a bottleneck of only a few hundred let alone eight. Conclusion: We did not all come from Noah’s ark.

    Does that mean the story is a myth? Not necessarily. Noah’s flood could be describing a VERY big local flood – one happened around the right time in Mesopotamia. It could be a poetic metaphor to show us the care of God. Those are only two possibilities but there are dozens of others. But if, as Mr. Ham does, we continue to demand that the Noah’s ark story be taken literally it will lead the bible to being ridiculed and Christianity brought into disrepute.

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