Ten Points to Consider About the Flood

By Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis

1.  Flood Legends—Hundreds of legends of a massive flood are found in cultures all over the world. This is a great confirmation of the biblical account and exactly what we would expect as nations traveled around the world passing down the account of the Flood. Various aspects of the Flood would be lost and other parts embellished, and that is precisely what we find.

2.  Layers—The amount of sediment that was deposited by the waters of the Flood is incredible (estimates are around 700 million cubic kilometers or 168 million cubic miles). Wow! Only a global Flood can explain such extensive layers of rock that everyone agrees was deposited by water.

3.  Fossils—95% of the fossils in the layers are marine organisms. That is what we would expect from a global Flood that overtakes the land. Of the remaining 5%, 95% are plants/trees/algae. The remaining fossils (including vertebrates) are rare.

4.  The Door—After Noah’s family entered the Ark, the Lord shut the only door (Gen. 7:16). Jesusis the only door by which we can enter to escape the eternal condemnation of hell (John 10:7–9).

5.  Kinds not Species—Genesis 7:14 uses the word “kind” (min), which could be equated with the modern species, genus, family, or even order in special cases (most often it is closer to a family level). Often people mistakenly think kind means the modern concept of “species.” But “species” is simply that—a term used in the modern classification system. So equating the two is not wise. When it comes to kinds, there is a dog kind (including wolves, coyotes, dingoes, domestic dogs, etc.), cat kind (including lions, tigers, bobcats, domestic cats, etc.), elephant kind (including Asian elephants, African elephants, mammoths, mastodons, etc.), and so on. This reduces the number of animals that Noah needed on the Ark—two of each kind (two dogs, two cats, etc.), not two of each species.

6.  Global in Extent—Throughout Genesis 6—8, the Bible repeatedly uses universal language to describe the Flood: “all the high hills under the whole heaven” (7:19), “mountains were covered” (7:20),  etc. Such language indicates that God was accentuating the massive extent of a global Flood. In the same way that the Flood was a universal judgment, so will be the coming judgment of fire (2 Pet. 3:5–7).

7.  Ararat—The Bible indicates that the Ark landed “in the mountains of Ararat” (it doesn’t mention any specific mountain), a region extending from eastern Turkey to western Iran. Many people search for the remains of the Ark on Mt. Ararat, but Noah and his family could have landed anywhere in that region.

8.  Eating Meat—Man was originally vegetarian (Gen. 1:29), but God first permitted man to eat meat after the Flood (Gen. 9:3).

9. Animal Death—The vast majority of the rock layers that contain fossils are a testament to the Flood of Noah’s day (of course, there have been local catastrophes, like volcanoes, that have produced layers since the Flood). But these fossil layers could not be evidence of millions of years since we find evidence of death in these layers. Death was the result of sin entering creation in Gen.  3 after Adam and Eve ate of the fruit. In fact, the first recorded death of an animal came after Adam and Eve sinned (Gen. 3:21). It was a direct result of man’s sin, so there is a relationship between human sin and animal death.

10.  Carnivores—Although animals were originally vegetarian (Gen. 1:30), after man’s sin brought a curse on all creation, they began eating meat. While the Bible doesn’t tell us exactly when animals started eating each other, it’s obvious this happened before the Flood. The fossil record—most of which was formed by the Flood of Noah’s day—contains the fossils of animal bones in the stomachs of other animals. Thus, some animals were eating each other before the Flood. This makes sense because the Bible says that all flesh had corrupted itself (Gen. 6:12).

Matthew 24:38 “For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,
39 “and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Discover the Evidence Bible.

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3 Responses to Ten Points to Consider About the Flood

  1. Saint Douglas says:

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  2. Bridget4Jesus@comcast.net says:

    Cindy Dorsey

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  3. Chris says:

    Hello boys and girls. This episode is called how many lies did Ray tell? Shall we count them?
    1) Flood Legends—Hundreds of legends of a massive flood are found in cultures all over the world.

    1st Lie. There are many cultures which have no flood legends at all. So were did the flood legends come from? Well rivers do flood and tribes do tend to settle there don’t they?

    2) Layers—The amount of sediment that was deposited by the waters of the Flood is incredible (estimates are around 700 million cubic kilometers or 168 million cubic miles). Wow! Only a global Flood can explain such extensive layers of rock that everyone agrees was deposited by water.

    2nd Lie. Ian Plimer [Professor of Geology at Melbourne University has pointed out that there is NO flood layer found all over the world! No global flood layer means no global flood. So how about that big flood deposit? It was laid down by numerous floods over hundreds of years.

    3). “Fossils—95% of the fossils in the layers are marine organisms. The remaining fossils (including vertebrates) are rare.”

    3rd Lie. Since the flood was supposedly laying down this huge flood layer how did any plants survive? All plants would [marine and land], would have died in the flood. No plants means no oxygen which means everything else dies.

    4). The Door—After Noah’s family entered the Ark, the Lord shut the only door.

    4th Lie. This is an interpretation not evidence! Also consider this. If the one door the ark had is metaphore to mean Christ why can’t the whole flood story be a metaphore? Augustus argued that the flood was symbolic of God’s wrath, and the ark of the church.

    5). Kinds not Species—Genesis 7:14 uses the word “kind” (min), which could be equated with the modern species, genus, family, or even order in special cases (most often it is closer to a family level). When it comes to kinds, there is a dog kind (including wolves, coyotes, dingoes, domestic dogs, etc.), cat kind (including lions, tigers, bobcats, domestic cats, etc.), elephant kind (including Asian elephants, African elephants, mammoths, mastodons, etc.), and so on. This reduces the number of animals that Noah needed on the Ark—two of each kind (two dogs, two cats, etc.), not two of each species”.

    5th Lie. This is Ray at his crazy lying best. 🙂 Ray admits that the word ‘kind’ has no meaning at all! It means whatever he chooses it to mean.

    Here”s a few more problems. What about food? According to the story of the flood the animals were shut up for a year and therefore would eat a huge amount of food. Think you can fit all the animals AND the food into the ark? But wait there’s more. According to Ray the flood was laying down this huge flood layer so all the fish would have died because their gills would have clogged up unless they were taken into the ark as well. Imagine taking a nice cuddly whale into the ark. 🙂 Remember the dinos? They’d have to be taken into the ark as well. And all their food. 🙂

    We still haven’t finished with Ray’s lie yet. Millions of years ago Cheetahs reached a population of only a few hundred. The result today is that cheetahs are so alike that you can take any skin or any organ from one cheetah and put it into another with a zero rejection rate. But that would be true of all animals and people if the flood story was history. By the way humans do have a rejection rate for organs. Don’t believe me? Ask your doctor.

    6). “Global in Extent—Throughout Genesis 6—8, the Bible repeatedly uses universal language to describe the Flood: “all the high hills under the whole heaven” (7:19), “mountains were covered”.

    6th Lie. So Mount Everest was covered by the flood waters? Where did all this water come from? It couldn’t have come from just rain since there isn’t enough rain in the sky to cover everest. It couldn’t have come from underground. If the ground contained that much water we’d be swimming through mud.

    Here’s another problem. Was the flood water fresh or salty? If it was salty all the fresh water fish would have died out & if it was fresh most of the salt water fish and all of the fresh water ones would have died. [still too salty for fresh water fish and not salty enough for salt water fish].

    8). “Eating Meat—Man was originally vegetarian (Gen. 1:29), but God first permitted man to eat meat after the Flood”

    7th Lie. Did you know that plant eaters can’t eat large amounts of meat? It’s true. Yet animals just suddenly developed a craving for meat AND the ability to eat large amounts without dropping dead.

    Not only that but their teeth must have changed as well. Meat eaters have sharp pointed teeth while plant eaters have crushing teeth [like our molars]. Not only that but all meat eaters have eyes facing forward while plant eaters have eyes on either side of their heads [to watch for predators]. Did lions and tigers suddenly find their eyes moving together after the flood?

    9). Animal Death—The vast majority of the rock layers that contain fossils are a testament to the Flood of Noah’s day.

    8th Lie. If all the fossils were from Noah’s flood why don’t we find dinosaur fossils along with modern animals like bunnies? Here’s another problem – The growth rate of coccoliths. Their tiny things whose fossils form the chalk you use. They lay down a chalk deposit really really slowly. Now for the flood to have laid down all fossils would mean that coccoliths would have had to have speeded up about a million times to have formed the ‘white cliffs of Dover’ which is all chalk. Not really believable is it?

    10). Carnivores—Although animals were originally vegetarian (Gen. 1:30), after man’s sin brought a curse on all creation, they began eating meat.”

    9th Lie. See 7th lie.

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