Atheist feed the poor.

There are tens of thousands of Christian missions around the world that feed the homeless and take care of the poor. So I wondered how many atheist missions I could find on the Internet. I typed in “Atheist Missions,” and guess how many came up? Zip. I tried the search words “atheists feed the poor.” None. “Atheists helping the homeless.” No results. I got more results from typing in “Hen’s teeth.” So, if the economy turns sour and leaves you homeless, thank God that there are Christian missions out there that will feed you, clothe you, and give you and your children somewhere to sleep. If you find yourself in a disaster, thank God for the Salvation Army, or the Red Cross, or if you are taken to a hospital because of a serious illness, you may end up in a Saint John’s, a Saint Jude’s, or some other hospital whose name reminds us of its roots.

One more thought. If you find yourself in a lifeboat with no food and a group of very hungry people who are checking you out for lunch (it has happened), who would you rather be sharing the lifeboat with: a group of starving evolutionists who believe in “survival of the fittest” and have no moral absolutes, or a group of Christians who love their neighbor as themselves and fear God?

Deuteronomy 15:11 For the poor will never cease from the land; therefore I command you, saying, ‘You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and your needy, in your land.’

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14 Responses to Atheist feed the poor.

  1. Shawn says:

    It’s too bad you don’t know what your talking about or even question why you aren’t able to find what you’re supposedly seeking. I run an atheist helping the homeless program here in Los Angeles. We have many chapters all over the world. And we’re growing almost daily.
    You’re false idea of morality is outrageous! You’re hypocrisy is, while common in religious institutions, a sad commentary on your institutions.

  2. Pingback: Christian Evangelist: Atheists Would Be Cannibals in an Emergency Due to “Survival of the Fittest” - Krugerable

  3. Amber ralston says:

    Check out Atheists Helping the Homeless. We are in three countries. And we help people because we do the right thing as humans. That’s all. Much love to you and yours.

  4. RandyW says:

    “Survival of the fittest.” You keep saying that. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    If you don’t want to look like a liar, you should not misrepresent concepts to make them mean something other than what they actually mean.

    If you don’t mind being dishonest to yourself and your readers, then, by all means, carry on.

  5. Richard Wade says:

    Richard Wade • a few seconds ago
    Whenever a Christian gives us his horrific fantasy about how people would behave if they didn’t believe in God, they’re giving us an unintentionally candid glimpse into the shallowness of their own morality. They’re using themselves as a model, so they’re inadvertently saying that only the fear of a policeman in the sky keeps them from doing the ghastly things they imagine atheists would do in a given extreme situation.

    Thanks for the fair warning, Ray! I’ll be sure to not get into a lifeboat with you.

    It’s all just an argument from consequence anyway, the fallacious argument saying that a good thing will come from believing in a claim, and a bad thing will come from not believing it, so therefore the claim is true. But the outcome from believing any claim has no bearing on the veracity of that claim. At most, Ray’s lifeboat fantasy is only an unsubstantiated recommendation for believing in his god, but it does not lend any credence to the actual existence of his god.

    But keep slandering atheists anyway, because that is what you think defines a good Christian.

  6. Karl says:

    I’m an Atheist and like many of your fellow countrymen who lack your religious convictions I donate money to christian groups like the Auckland City Mission, The Salvation army, the Red Cross etc.

    I didn’t realize my donations would be used against me though, That by helping christian charities I would somehow be giving the impression that Christians are charitable and Atheists are not, Or that I would be accused of being a cannibal in waiting.

    Based on what I’ve just read I feel I should stop donating money to christian charity’s and only donate to secular or atheistic charity’s in the future.
    I wont of course, But I feel like I should.

  7. Amy says:

    Sir, you either need to repent of lying, get a more reliable internet browser, or both. I Googled “atheist missions” on Google and came up with plenty of hits–atheists and non-religious feeding the poor, helping the homeless. You also might try the words “secular” and avoid the word “missions” because most non-religious people don’t want to use the word “mission” because it has many negative connotations and we don’t want their compassionate service to be confused with religious proseltyzing.

    I believe there are several very well-known examples of Christians resorting to cannibalism in dire times. I don’t know if your internet browser would be able to find them, but perhaps you can have a friend with more skill help you identify them.

    Also, saying that people who understand the concept of “survival of the fittest” would be the more likely to eat people makes no more sense than saying that people who believe in gravity would be more likely to drop your baby off a building. That certain scientific principles exist does not mean they dictate how we live in a society and how we maintain relationships.

    My goodness, sir. You do not make Christians look very bright. Fortunately I know many intelligent Christians, so you can be grateful that some of your brethren are doing the heavy lifting for your religion.

    • Ethan says:

      Actually, this was originally shown as a side note in the Evidence Bible, which was first published in 2000. At that time, there were hardly any search results on atheist missions and the internet wasn’t as big back then as it is today. I’m a Christian and if this was originally posted a few years, I would have criticized it as well.

  8. The majority of the passengers on Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 were not atheist, yet their cannibalism for survival was not condemned when their plane crashed in the Andes in 1972.

  9. Dr K says:

    “have no moral absolutes, or a group of Christians who love their neighbor as themselves and fear God?”.

    So you’re saying that the only reason you have “moral absolutes” is because of your “fear”? Way to go at being good people and doing it because its whats “right”. That is why atheists are better than you. They find their morals on their own and do not need to be told what do to in order to do the right thing.

  10. DrK says:

    “have no moral absolutes, or a group of Christians who love their neighbor as themselves and fear God?”.

    So you’re saying that the only reason you have “moral absolutes” is because of your “fear”? Way to go at being good people and doing it because its what is “right”. That is why atheists are better than you. They find their morals on their own and do not need to be told what do to in order to do the right thing.

  11. sk3ptik0n says:

    Yes, cannibalism. That worked so well for the donner party. All Christians if I am not mistaken. Probably not the right kind though.

  12. Pingback: Survival of the Fittest - Skeptical Science

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